Nyquist criterion
The Nyquist criterion is a frequency domain tool which is used in the study of stability. To use this criterion, the frequency response data of a system must be presented as a polar plot in which the magnitude and the phase angle are expressed as a function of frequency.
Nonlinear Resistance
The property exhibited by devices whose resistance does not change uniformly with changes in voltage or current.
A subatomic particle that is neither positively nor negatively charged and that has a mass approximately equal to that of a proton.
Norton’s Theorem
Norton’s Theorem states that any linear network can be reduced to a simple parallel circuit whose resistance RN is in shunt with a current source IN.
The center of an atom, containing proton (s) and neutron (s).
Negative-sequence impedance
The quotient of that component of negative-sequence sinusoidal voltage that is due to the negative-sequence component of the current divided by the negative-sequence component of the current at the same frequency.
Negative-sequence network
The equivalent representation of a power system constructed by using only the negative sequence impedances of the various components.
Newton—Raphson method
An iterative technique for solving a set of non-linear equations (eg… the power flow equations) by solving a succession of linearized equations to derive improvements to the latest estimate of the solution.
No-load characteristic
The saturation curve of a machine at no load.
No-load test
A test applied to a machine on no load at rated voltage and frequency.
Non-ideal or actual transformer
A transformer having winding resistance and leakage flux, and a magnetic core having finite permeability and core losses.
Normally excited
The operating condition of a synchronous machine at Unity Power Factor.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association is a group who publishes electrical and medical imaging standards.