Open-Loop Control System
An open loop system is characterized by the fact that the input signed is processed without being affected by the output.
Oscilloscope is most widely used to display amplitude and period of the signal as well as the shape of the wave
The unit of resistance is ohm.
An ohmmeter is an instrument used to measure the resistance. It is an instrument containing a voltage source and a meter directly calibrated in ohms.
Ohm’s Law
Voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it
Open Circuit
An open circuit is a break or discontinuity in the current path.
One-line, or single-fine, diagram
A diagram that demonstrates, using single lines and symbols, an electric circuit and parts utilized in it.
Open-circuit Characteristic (OCC)
The saturation curve of a machine an open-circuited armature winding
Open-circuit test
A test in which the machine is run as a generator with its terminals open-circuited
The operating condition of a synchronous machine delivering reactive power
Overcurrent protection
A device used to protect the panel components and process in the event that something causes the motor to draw more current than it was designed.
An instrument used to display the waveform of a circuit.