We can define the relationship between capacitor’s voltage and current as the amount of current flows through a capacitor depends on two factors: the capacitance and how rapidly the voltage is either ascending or descending. If the voltage goes up quickly, a large amount of current rushes through the capacitor. A slower rise up in voltage implies a little amount of current flows through it. If the voltage is constant, no current flows through it.
Determine the output voltage vc(t). Sketch vc(t).
Let’s say circuit impulse response is:
$h(t)=\frac{1}{\tau }{{e}^{-t/\tau }}u(t)$
Input voltage as shown in figure, can be represented by the following expression:
And output voltage can be written as:
Now, let’s try to write some code to compute the output voltage:
Matlab Code for RC Circuit Charging and Discharging Analysis
%Convolution clear all;close all;clc %% Input Signal Data T=1; %period of a signal dt=T/500; % Sampling of a Signal time_in=0:dt:2*T; % Time Interval for Input Signal graph Amp=1; %Amplitude of a Signal vs_in= Amp.*rect(time_in-T/2,T); % Source or Input Voltage % Circuit Diagram Data R= 2e3; % Resistance (2kOhm) C= 100e-6; % Capacitance (100microFarad) tau=R*C; % RC Series Circuit time constant h_t=1./tau.*exp(-time_in./tau).*unitstep(time_in); % Impulse response h(t) %% Output Signal vc(t) Calculation vc_out=conv(h_t,vs_in).*dt; % Output Voltage time_out=0:dt:4*T; % Time Interval for Output Signal graph subplot(211) plot(time_in,vs_in) % Plot for input signal vs(t) xlabel('time (s)');ylabel('Amplitude (V)');title('v_s(t)'); axis([-0.2 2 -0.2 1.2]) % x and y axis limits subplot(212) plot(time_out,vc_out) % Plot for output signal vc(t) xlabel('time (s)');ylabel('Amplitude (V)');title('v_c(t)'); axis([-0.2 2 -0.2 1.2]) % x and y axis limits %==============================================
Function rect.m
function y=rect(t,tau) % % Rectangular function; y=rect(t,tau) y=zeros(size(t)); I1=find(t>-tau/2 & t<=tau/2); if (isempty(I1)~=1) y(I1)=ones(size(I1)); end
Function unitstep.m
%=================== unitstep.m =========== function y=unitstep(x) % % Unit-step function y=unitstep(x) % y=zeros(size(x)); I=find(x>0); if (isempty(I)==0) y(I)=ones(size(I)); end %==============================================